


  • If you meet our $100 minimum payment policy, a royalty check will be issued the last week of the month.

    Accounts with balances less than $100 but more than $10 are paid annually.

  • Our company has a minimum payment policy that revenue be held in suspense until funds are greater than $100. Account balances with less than $100 but more than $10 are paid annually.

    If you believe you are missing a check after 10 business days past the end of the month, please email

  • Please see our change of address form on our forms page to start a change of address.

    Click Here for the Forms Page

  • Please see the list of requirement and documents needed to start an ownership transfer on our Forms page.

  • Please see the list of requirement and documents needed to start an ownership transfer on our Forms page.

  • Ad-valorem taxes are property taxes imposed on the assessed value of assets, including producing oil and gas wells.

    In the context of a royalty owner, ad-valorem taxes refer to the annual taxes levied on the value of the royalty interests they hold in producing wells. These taxes are typically imposed by state or local agencies and are calculated based on a percentage of the assessed value of the oil and gas reserves extracted from the wells.

    It is advisable to consult with local tax authorities or a qualified professional to ensure compliance and accurate tax reporting as ad-valorem taxes can impact the overall profitability of your royalty interests.

  • If you are a royalty owner and were paid more than $10 in a calendar year or if you are a working interest owner who was paid more than $600, you will receive a Form 1099.

    Certain ‘C’ corporation and ‘LLC’ filers may be exempt from this reporting.

  • Please contact if you have any questions about your 1099s.

  • If you are interested in selling your interest, please contact

  • Yes we do! All that we require is an email address. If you are interested in setting up deposit, please see our Forms page for a copy of our Direct Deposit Form.

    Click Here for the Forms Page